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Reasons why RSG is Important

There are very few people that have the passion for legalized gambling in the way that the citizens of Australia do. Horse racing and pokies are found everywhere, but with that comes a necessity to make sure that all of the rules and regulations of gambling are followed to the letter. If it is your goal to work in an establishment that houses gambling related machines or the like, then you need to have the proper certifications in order to be considered. That means making sure that you have a Responsible Service of Gaming (RSG) certificate (SITHGAM201 – Provide responsible gambling services). This certification can actually now be obtained online, depending upon which state you live in.

If you plan on working in Queensland, you will need to look for RSG courses in QLD, but the good news is that they are widely available. You might also want to look into where you are considering working. If it’s strictly a restaurant setting, you may not need to take the course at all. If, on the other hand, you are considering a bar, you may want to get your RSG and RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) certificates from the same place, as you may be able to save a little bit of money by doing so.

If you don’t really know anything about RSG courses, you are probably wondering where to begin. How much can you expect to pay, what sort of time commitment you are going to have to put in? If you are living in Queensland, your search for online RSG courses should begin with finding an organization that is listed on the QLD website, otherwise you may end up with a certificate that is not worth the paper that it is printed on.

If you choose to compare other providers, you should make sure that they are fully accredited. It is also worth taking time to compare cost, support, and the training systems used. Again, if you are looking at getting multiple certificates, it’s worth looking into an organization that fits all the necessary criteria, many may also offer a discount for multiple courses. The amount of time that you have to commit to obtain your RSG certificate is usually in the 2-4 hour range, and should not require the giving up of a massive portion of time.

While many may look at getting their RSG certificate as something of a pointless exercise, it is in fact essential to ensuring that the Australian gambling industry maintains its high standards, as well as necessary in order to gain legal employment in the industry. Getting your certificate will allow you to recognize people displaying signs of problem gambling. Australia has a strong history of maintaining a high level of responsible gambling, and the RSG certificate will help you play your part in that.

All information was correct at the time it was posted.


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    RSA Competency Check

    Have you completed an accredited RSA course previously?

    Do you hold any of the following?

    Current or Recently Expired NSW RSA Competency Card

    If you have a current Competency Card you cannot re-complete the course to renew it while it is current. This includes any learners in the 28 day renewal period or who have a current NSW RSA Competency Card endorsement but have not received their card.

    You can check if you have a Current Competency Card or endorsement here

    If you choose to continue you must declare below that you understand that your existing competency card endorsement(s) will not be renewed. By continuing you accept responsibility for providing correct and accurate information about your NSW RSA currency and understand that should you be found ineligible to undertake the course or renew your NSW RSA you may not be entitled to a refund.

    NSW RSA Interim Certificate issued within 5 years from the "Valid for duties date"

    If you have a current NSW RSA interim certificate issued within 5 years from the "Valid for duties" you cannot complete the NSW RSA course again. You must visit a Service NSW centre with your Interim Certificate to obtain your card.

    You can check if you have a Current Competency Card or endorsement here

    By continuing you accept responsibility for providing correct and accurate information about your NSW RSA currency, understanding that this will not renew your NSW RSA and that should you be found ineligible to undertake or renew your NSW RSA by completing the course you may not be entitled to a refund.

    Is your RSA current and issued by a Registered Training Organisation or a state/territory approved training organisation?

    Are you planning to reside permanently in NSW?

    You may be eligible to receive the NSW RSA by completing a bridging course

    If you wish to apply to Liquor & Gaming NSW to complete their RSA bridging course, please note that EOT cannot confirm if your interstate RSA will be accepted, and it is your responsibility to research and confirm you meet the eligibility requirements.

    You may be eligible to work temporarily in NSW using your current RSA

    If you wish to temporarily work in NSW under Automatic Mutual Recognition, please note that EOT cannot confirm if your interstate RSA is eligible, and it is your cresponsibility to research and confirm you meet the eligibility requirements before commencing work in NSW.